
Telecoming partners with Movement Empire to deliver premium online workout content in South Africa

The partnership underscores Telecoming's dedication to providing high-quality, locally relevant content that resonates with South African audiences. Telecoming ( ), sportech company specializing in developing and distributing mobile experiences for sports and entertainment, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with The Movement Empire, the world's most immersive online exercise platform. This agreement will enable the distribution of Movement Empire's on-demand workout content through major mobile operators in South Africa, reinforcing Telecoming's strong presence in the South African market, where it has been operating since 2015. The Movement Empire, known for its comprehensive range of online bodyweight workouts, is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their fitness goals through innovative and engaging workouts that require no equipment. Their content, which spans from low-impact, reduced intensity sessions through to high inte

Achieving Work-Life Balance: St. George’s University Graduates Share Insights for Aspiring Doctors

For International Doctor’s Day on 1st October, St. George’s University (SGU) School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies has provided tips to help medical professionals achieve a good balance between work and personal time.  The specialties with favorable work-life balance In-demand fields like primary care offer more flexible schedules, making it easier for doctors to juggle personal and professional responsibilities. “Primary care is unique in medicine because of its flexibility,” says Dr. Linda Girgis, SGU alumna and primary care doctor in New Jersey. “Many physicians now practice outpatient medicine, avoiding late-night hospital admissions. Options like private practice or working under a hospital system each have their benefits and challenges.” Work-life balance is achievable in specialties beyond primary care, though it may require a different approach. Procedure-oriented specialties often demand long hours and early mornings. Physicians in these fields must be intentional about s

Congo Talks Gas Code, Angola Relations Ahead of Energy Forum in 2025

A fireside chat during the Angola Oil & Gas conference delved into the exploration opportunities in the Republic of Congo. The Republic of Congo is preparing to launch the first phase of its Bango Kayo expansion project – developed in partnership with Chinese energy company Wing Wah – this year. Fabrice Okassa, Upstream Advisor to the Minister of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of Congo, shared that the onshore project will support the country’s diversification efforts during a fireside chat at the Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) conference on Wednesday. The fireside chat was a prelude to the Congo Energy & Investment Forum (CIEF) – organized by Energy Capital & Power – taking place March 25-26, 2025. As sub-Saharan Africa’s fourth largest oil producer, the Republic of Congo has ambitions to accelerate diversification through investments in natural gas infrastructure. The Bango Kayo project aligns with this goal. As a multi-phase development, the project will produce 30 billion cub

RDC / Renforcement des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau potable au Nord Kivu : Partenariat France-UNICEF

Photo: Unicef La seconde phase du projet d'extension du réseau d’eau municipal de Goma offre un accès durable à l'eau pour plus de 150.000 personnes des communautés hôtes et déplacées. Une nouvelle étape majeure a été franchie dans l'amélioration de l'accès à l'eau potable dans la province du Nord-Kivu. L'UNICEF, en partenariat avec le gouvernement français, a inauguréa ujourd'hui la seconde phase de l'extension du réseau d'eau municipal de Goma, bénéficiant ainsi à plus de 150.000 personnes. Ce projet, qui s'inscrit dans un contexte humanitaire complexe marqué par les conflits et les déplacements massifs, a déjà permis de réaliser des avancées considérables lors de sa première phase, réduisant la dépendance des populations aux solutions d'approvisionnement en eau d’urgence comme le camionnage, et contribuant à prévenir la propagation de maladies hydriques, telles que le choléra. « Grâce à l'installation d'un réseau d'eau s'ét

African Development Bank’s High Impact Projects Transform Côte d'Ivoire’s Energy and Agriculture Sectors

The project, 80 percent financed by the African Development Bank with a $121 million investment, is 85.7 percent complete since its launch in 2018 . During a recent three-day field visit to central Côte d'Ivoire, Joseph Ribeiro, the African Development Bank’s ( ) Deputy Director General for West Africa, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of two high-impact projects funded by the Bank Group that are set to revolutionize the country’s energy and agricultural landscapes.  Ribeiro’s delegation, comprising Blanche Kiniffo, Programme Officer for Côte d'Ivoire; Adama Moussa, Regional Sector Manager, Power Systems Operations; and project managers Rokaya Diallo and Mamadou Kane, visited the Singrobo-Ahouaty hydroelectric power station, and the Bélier Region Agro-Industrial Cluster Project (“2PAI-Bélier”).  The Singrobo-Ahouaty power station, located 150 km north of the capital, Abidjan, is on the brink of completion. “We're more than 95 percent of the way thro

African Delopment Bank approves a trade finance facility of EUR 70 million for Bank of Africa Morocco to promote trade in Africa

The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen countries’ diversification of production and competitiveness, raise additional tax revenues and create new job opportunities. The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( ) has approved a trade finance facility of EUR 70 million for Bank of Africa Morocco (BOA). “The African Development Bank, which is rated AAA by the largest  rating agencies, is joining forces with the Bank of Africa Morocco to promote access to trade finance on the continent, in particular providing support for SMEs operating in transition States” said Ahmed Attout, director of the Bank’s Financial Sector Development Department. The facility comprises a Risk Participation Agreement (RPA) of EUR 50 million and a Trade Finance Line of Credit (TFLOC) of EUR 20 million. “We are delighted with this first partnership with BOA, a leading player in Africa. Together, in Morocco and across the continent, we are strengthening financial inclusion for smal

Unstoppable Africa referme ses portes avec des annonces et des engagements clés pour promouvoir la croissance en Afrique

L’événement phare de la Global Africa Business Initiative (GABI) s’est conclu le 26 septembre 2024 à New York, mettant un terme à un sommet de jeux jours en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Avec pour thème « Unstoppable Africa : façonner les ambitions mondiales pour l’Agenda 2063 », l’événement a attiré plus de 2000 dirigeants, PDG, investisseurs, décideurs politiques et innovateurs, partageant tous le même objectif : faire de l’Afrique un acteur incontournable sur le plan mondial. Le sommet a mis l'accent sur la participation inclusive et les solutions ciblées, avant de se terminer par une table ronde durant laquelle les parties prenantes se sont engagées à relever les défis urgents, notamment la concrétisation d'une croissance commerciale inclusive, le rôle de l'Afrique dans l'énergie propre, les progrès numériques et l'impact mondial de la créativité et du sport africains. Allocutions de clôture La sous-secrétaire générale des Nations unies, Sanda