
Showing posts from March, 2025

CEO de la Fondation Merck et les Premières Dames d'Afrique célèbrent la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2025 grâce à leurs programmes de développement à fort impact

• « L'éducation des filles aujourd'hui pour l'autonomisation des femmes  demain » : souligne la Sénatrice Dr. Rasha Kelej à l'occasion de la Journée  Internationale de la Femme 2025. La Fondation Merck, la branche philanthropique de Merck KGaA Allemagne, en  collaboration avec les Premières Dames d'Afrique qui sont également leurs  Ambassadrices, les Ministères de la Santé, de l'Éducation, de la Communication et du  Genre, marquent la « Journée Internationale de la Femme 2025 », grâce à leurs  programmes de développement à impact, poursuivant leur héritage de 13 ans  d'autonomisation des femmes et des filles. Sénatrice Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO de la Fondation Merck et l'Une des Femmes  Africaines les Plus Influentes pendant six années consécutives (2019-2024), a  déclaré : « Joyeuse Journée Internationale de la Femme à toutes les femmes et filles  remarquables du monde entier !  L'autonomisation des filles et des femmes est au cœur de t...

Merck Foundation CEO together with African First Ladies Africa mark International Women’s Day 2025 through their Impactful Development Programs

• “ Girl Education Today for Women Empowerment Tomorrow”: Emphasizes  Senator Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation  Merck. Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany together with First  Ladies of Africa who are also their Ambassadors, Ministries of Health, Education,  Communication & Gender, mark ‘International Women’s Day 2025’, through their  impactful development programs, continuing their 13-year legacy of empowering women  and girls. Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and One of the Most  Influential African Women for Six Consecutive Years (2019 - 2024) expressed, "Happy International Women’s Day to all the remarkable women and girls around the  world!  Empowering girls and women is at the core of all our initiatives and programs at Merck  Foundation. I recognize the immense potential of women to thrive, succeed and excel in  any domain they choose, yet they often lack the conducive environm...

St. George’s University School of Medicine Hosts Education Agent Workshops in Kenya and Nigeria

St. George’s University (SGU) School of medicine successfully hosted an Education Agents Workshop in Kenya and Nigeria from February 24 – 27, bringing together over 62 key recruitment agents for a series of interactive sessions in Nairobi and Lagos. SGU is a center for academic excellence. With students and faculty drawn from more than 150 countries to its campus in Grenada, the School of Medicine is an international institution with a global perspective and is accredited by the Grenada Medical and Dental Council, which has been recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).  The Education Agents Workshop was designed to strengthen SGU’s collaboration with recruitment partners in key African markets. These agents play a vital role in guiding prospective students through the application process and providing them with essential information about SGU’s Doctor of Medicine (MD) program/tracks to practice medicine in the US or UK. David Anthonisz, Executive Director of...