
The European Union provides support in Horn of Africa region amid covid-19 pandemic

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič  The EU is providing an additional €105.5 million to countries in the Horn of Africa as the coronavirus pandemic risks worsening the humanitarian situation across the region where many continue to suffer from armed conflict, displacement, and recurrent droughts and floods. Furthermore, a large-scale infestation of locusts threatens food security and livelihoods of many vulnerable people in the region. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said: “The EU remains committed to help address humanitarian needs in countries in the Horn of Africa, all the more so in these challenging times.  EU aid will support communities at risk of hunger and strengthen measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. A global pandemic requires a global response. Funding from this aid package gos to humanitarian projects in Djibouti (€500,000), Ethiopia (€42 million), Kenya (€15 million) and Somalia (€48 million). It will help:

How to deal with Anxiety during lockdown period of Covid-19

Psychologists have long recognized that anxiety is a normal and healthy function that alerts us to threats and helps us take measures to protect ourselves”, says Dr. Lisa Damour, expert adolescent psychologist, best-selling author and monthly New York Times columnist. However some steps are recommended : 1. Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal If school closures and worrying headlines are making you anxious, you are not the only one. Actually, that is how you should be feeling.     “Your anxiety is going to help you make the decisions that you need to be making right now – not spending time in big groups of people, washing your hands and not touching your face.”  Such feelings are helping not only you, but others as well. That is how we “take care of members of our community. We think about the people around us as well.” Although anxiety about coronavirus is completely normal, make sure “to get information from reliable sources [such as UNICEF and

Managing Anxiety and Stress during lockdown and the need for interested categories to transition to adopt e-learning during the Covid-19 period

When our minds are consumed by the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on our health, loved ones, home countries, economy and students, not to mention our research program, funding or employment status, and when it comes to an abrupt transition to e-learning really needed, we should know how we maintain our own mental health and well-being and that of our community. When a person is feeling overwhelmed by a lockdown amid the covid-19 pandemic which has brought too much stresses and anxieties, and when making a transition to the e-learning which is a way of being busy building knowledge and grow intellectually but also at the meantime a task allowing someone to keep connected and compassionate as a remedy to such particular situation, there is path way to more comfortability despite a range of  constraints due this particular type of situation. According to a clinical psychologist Desiree Dickerson a PhD in Psychology (Exceptional Thesis Award) from the University of O

Documentary 'Asian Americans' premieres amid coronavirus-related discrimination

A five-episode documentary series entitled "Asian Americans" has launched in the U.S., with its first two episodes premiering on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) on Monday. The series delivers "a bold, fresh perspective on a history that matters today, more than ever, as America becomes more diverse and more divided while facing unimaginable challenges," PBS said on its website. Led by a team of Asian American filmmakers, the series examines the significant role of Asian Americans in shaping American history and identity, from Chinese rail workers' long-forgotten contribution in the 1850s to modern refugee crises in a globally connected world. During a digital town hall recently organized by the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) in connection with the series' premiere, U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu said that for many Asian Americans, it's not just the health risks of the coronavirus that are cause for concern right now, but als