The second International peer-review event of The Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming Project “SEED”
The Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming Project “SEED” is an innovative project aims to increase the employability of young people, by supporting the development of a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce and the development of a joint VET qualification at EU level. It promotes work-based learning by a mobility component. By visiting the SEED Project Web site and see the latest research results, it is possible to get an invitation to participate in our peer-review, also for an educator interested in curriculum development or someone who is involved in digital farming. On the 24th and 25th of February 2020, the SEED project will land in Pamplona, Spain for the second International peer-review event. The object of the peer-review will be to review and evaluate the SEED curriculum that project partners are currently developing. Experts in digital farming and educators with expertise in curriculum design are invited to join the proje...