Niger: donation of over four million euros to the Africa Disaster Risk Management Funding Program (ADRiFi)

ADRiFi in Niger aims to strengthen resilience and response to climate shocks by improving disaster risk management and climate change adaptation.

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank ( approved, Wednesday, September 23 in Abidjan, a donation of 4.8 million euros in Niger for the implementation of its Funding Program for Disaster Risk Management in Africa (ADRiFi). 

This financing, from the resources of the African Development Fund ADF-15, is a technical and institutional support aimed at strengthening Niger's resilience and response to disasters linked to drought. 

The project, which involves a total amount of 6.9 million euros (UA 5.8 million), will be cofinanced by the Bank Group's concessional rate loan window and also the Pan-African mutual management fund risks (contribution in kind of about 891,000 euros or UA 0.75 million) and the Nigerien government about 1.24 million euros (UA 1.05 million). 

ADRiFi in Niger aims to strengthen resilience and response to climate shocks by improving disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change. To this end, it will provide technical and financial support to the Nigerien government, through two axes: capacity building of Niger in terms of drought risk assessment, prevention of drought-related food crises and development of contingency plans; the transfer of sovereign risk through the subscription of drought risk insurance from the Pan-African risk management mutual, African Risk Capacity (ARC). "This funding comes at the right time because Niger is now suffering the full force of the impacts of climate change, which each time harms household income, the performance of the agricultural sector, economic growth, and the macroeconomic balance of the country countries in particular the State budget and the balance of payments, ”declared the Director General for West Africa at the Bank, Marie Laure Akin Olugbade. Niger, a vast West African country located in the Sahara Desert, has adopted the use of parametric insurance as an option for preventing and managing disaster risks linked to climatic hazards that may affect vulnerable populations in the environment rural. 

The use of such a risk transfer mechanism ensures immediate availability of funds in the event of a disaster to limit the damage and provide the social safety nets necessary to recover from the crisis. "An intervention by the Bank to support the government to face this constraint is opportune, because the Bank will safeguard the gains of investments in the areas of resilience, while promoting the establishment of policies and mechanisms necessary for better management food crises ”, indicates the document presented Wednesday by the Bank's senior management to the Board of Directors. 

In addition, faced with the current pandemic and its impact on the global economy, and in Niger in particular, and given the country's vulnerability to climatic hazards that remain relevant, the Bank's support through ADRiFi is of particular relevance.

Indeed, thanks to ADRiFi, the Bank is protecting the Niger State budget against potential drought shocks as the country strives to revive its economy. 

The ADRiFi program which will be implemented from 2020 to 2023 in Niger is in line with Niger's National Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy entitled “Initiative: les Nigeriens Nourrissent les Nigeriens” (I3N), which aims to achieve the ultimate goal of “Zero Hunger” in Niger. It is also part of the Bank's Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Niger (2018-2022) and is in line with two of the “High 5”, the Bank's five strategic priorities: “feed the Africa ”and“ improve the quality of life of Africans ”.

The Niger project is the fifth to be approved under ADRiFi, after those of The Gambia, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Mauritania.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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