France welcomes the signing of a Global Fund grant in the DRC (2021-2023)

The Ambassador of France in the DRC, François Pujolas accompanied by the Congolese Minister of Public Health, Eteni Longondo as well as other officials

This ceremony to launch the FM grant in the DRC must be placed in its context, that of an unprecedented mobilization of the international community on global health issues. 

France is a founding member of the Global Fund and remains the second historic donor (after the United States) with a financial commitment of 6.34 billion € (7.9 billion USD) since its creation. 

On October 10, 2019, we celebrated together in Kinshasa, the unprecedented success of the 6th replenishment conference of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, organized in Lyon, under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron. 

As a reminder, this 6th conference raised more than $ 14 billion for the 2021-2023 funding cycle, the highest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization. On this occasion, the contributions of the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union increased by around 20%, thus representing almost half of the total financing of the Global Fund for the period 2021-2023, i.e. € 7 billion. 

France has pledged a contribution of 1.3 billion euros - also an increase of 20% compared to its previous contribution. This commitment testifies to its firm desire to make global health a priority in French development policy. In a difficult context (COVID-19), it is appropriate to salute the combined efforts of the various stakeholders which made it possible to culminate in the ceremony that brings us together today.

With nearly US $ 2 billion invested since its creation in 2002, it has experienced, thanks to the Global Fund, major advances in terms of access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

France would like to salute the work of the teams Ministry of Health, community actors and representatives of civil society at the CCM as well as the Global Fund secretariat. Despite the exceptionally complex context linked to the COVID-19 crisis, their joint efforts made it possible to conclude positively the long process of submitting funding requests for the period 2021-2023 which culminated, on time, in the signing of the grants. for an unprecedented amount of 657 million USD. France is associated with this success, through the provision by Expertise France of a team of 14 national and international experts, funded by the 5% Initiative of the French government (amount 672 k €) who have supported stakeholders Congolese throughout this process. 

It should be noted that through this initiative device managed by Expertise France, 2 experts were also mobilized to assist the CCM in its request for funding to the FM's Covid19 response mechanism which also resulted in the approval of an envelope of USD35 million then of a top up of USD 25.7 million. France congratulates the Minister of Health on obtaining a specific grant of USD 40 million, entirely dedicated to "Strengthening health systems", including a community dimension and proposing a decentralized strategy of investments complementary to funding from the 'State and its partners. This innovation, to which France gives its full support, insofar as it is aligned with the National Health Development Plan, must undoubtedly contribute to the sustainability of the FM's investments in the DRC.

France finally congratulates the representatives of civil society within the CCM who were able to guarantee a transparent and quality dialogue throughout the process. This dialogue included communities, key and vulnerable populations, in order to take into account the reduction of barriers related to human rights and gender, principles to which we are particularly attached and vigilant within the Board of Directors of the Global Fund. 

Finally, within the framework of the implementation of activities financed by the FM, France would like the various officials to strive to ensure the complementarity of bilateral programs with those of the Fund, thus allowing a greater impact for the benefit of the health of the populations. Congolese.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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