The DRC Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo took part this 25 March 2021, by videoconference, in the 30th Forum of Heads of State and Government of member countries of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)

The DRC Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo taking part by videoconference, in the 30th Forum of Heads of State and Government of member countries of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)

The DRC Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo took part this 25 March 2021, by videoconference, in the 30th Forum of Heads of State and Government of member countries of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

The Head of State, in his speech, sealed the official membership of the DRC to the APRM, as 41st member, stressing the great importance of promoting good governance and strengthening the rule of law in view of the development of Africa.

This official membership follows the audience that the Head of State granted on March 16 to Mr. Eddy Maloka, Director General of this AU structure allowing African countries to assess and advise each other in terms of good governance.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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