
Showing posts from October, 2021

Le Président Américain Joe Biden rencontre le Président de la RDC Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo en marge du G20

Le Président Américain Joseph R. Biden, Jr. en discussion avec le Président Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), Président de l'Union Africaine (UA) en marge du G20 Le Président Américain Joseph R. Biden, Jr. a rencontré le président Felix Tshisekedi de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), président de l'Union africaine (UA) en marge du G20.  Les deux dirigeants ont discutés de l'engagement commun des États-Unis et de l'UA à faire progresser la sécurité sanitaire mondiale et à mettre fin à la pandémie de COVID-19 partout. Ils ont également discuté du récent accord facilité par les États-Unis entre Moderna et l'UA pour mettre à disposition de l'UA jusqu'à 110 millions de doses de vaccin sur une base accélérée. Cela s'ajoute aux 63 millions de doses de vaccin que les États-Unis ont déjà expédiées à l'UA, avec plus de doses données par les États-Unis livrées chaque semaine.  Les deux dirigeants ont égale...

US President Joe Biden meeting with DRC President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo on the margins of the G20

US President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. In discussion with President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Chair of the African Union (AU) on the margins of the G20 US President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met with President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Chair of the African Union (AU) on the margins of the G20. The two Leaders discussed the shared commitment of the U.S. and the AU to advance global health security and end the COVID-19 pandemic everywhere. They also discussed the recent U.S.-facilitated deal between Moderna and the AU to make up to 110 million vaccine doses available to the AU on an accelerated basis. This is in addition to the 63 million doses of vaccine the U.S. has already shipped to the AU, with more US donated doses delivered each week. The two Leaders also discussed the imperative of protecting the Congo Basin rainforest, which is the second-largest tropical rainforest in the world, to meet the global goal of reachin...

DRC President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo arrived on Friday, October 29 in Italy to represent Africa at the G20 summit

DRC President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo arrival in the capital of Italy to represent Africa at the G20 summit DRC President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo arrived on Friday, October 29 in the middle of the day in the capital of Italy to represent Africa at the G20 summit which opens this Saturday, October 30 in Rome. For two days, on October 30 and 31 at the Pallazzio Del Congresso in Rome, the leaders of the most industrialized countries plus the European Union will discuss the need to revive the world economies hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. During these two days, the work will be organized in three thematic sessions namely: the global economy and health, climate change and the environment as well as sustainable development. The Rome summit should lead to solutions in terms of aid to developing countries, notably with relief from public debts. Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor

Covid-19 : Less than 10% of African countries to hit key COVID-19 vaccination goal

This comes as the Region grapples to meet rising demand for essential vaccination commodities, such as syringes. Just five African countries, less than 10% of Africa’s 54 nations, are projected to hit the year-end target of fully vaccinating 40% of their people, unless efforts to accelerate the pace take off. This comes as the Region grapples to meet rising demand for essential vaccination commodities, such as syringes. Three African countries, Seychelles, Mauritius and Morocco, have already met the goal that was set in May by the World Health Assembly, the world’s highest health policy-setting body. At the current pace just two more countries, Tunisia and Cabo Verde, will also hit the target.  In addition, limited access to crucial commodities such as syringes may slow the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Africa. UNICEF has reported an imminent shortfall of up to 2.2 billion auto-disable syringes for COVID-19 vaccination and routine immunization in 2022. This includes 0.3ml auto-di...

Covid-19 : Moins de 10 % des pays africains devraient atteindre l’objectif clé de la vaccination contre la COVID-19

Cette situation intervient au moment où la Région s’efforce de répondre à la demande croissante de produits vaccinaux essentiels tels que les seringues. Cinq pays africains seulement, soit moins de 10 % des 54 pays du continent, devraient atteindre l’objectif fixé pour la fin d’année consistant à vacciner entièrement 40 % de leur population contre la COVID-19, à moins que des efforts ne soient déployés pour accélérer le rythme de la vaccination. Cette situation intervient au moment où la Région s’efforce de répondre à la demande croissante de produits vaccinaux essentiels tels que les seringues. Trois pays africains, à savoir les Seychelles, Maurice et le Maroc, ont déjà atteint l’objectif qui avait été fixé en mai dernier par l’Assemblée mondiale de la Santé, l’organe suprême de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) chargé de définir les politiques de santé. Or, au rythme actuel, seuls deux autres pays (la Tunisie et Cabo Verde) pourront atteindre cet objectif. De plus, l’accès li...

G20 members have received 15 times more COVID-19 vaccine doses per capita than sub-Saharan African countries

Health worker, Lucy Addy, 52, shows a COVID-19 vaccination card after receiving a jab of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Ridge Hospital in Accra, Ghana, March 2021. ©UNICEF/2AMZIFRJZ2XN Ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit this weekend, 48 UNICEF Africa ambassadors and supporters unite, calling on countries to deliver doses by December. G20 countries have received 15 times more COVID-19 vaccine doses per capita than countries in sub-Saharan Africa*, according to a new analysis. The analysis, conducted by science analytics company Airfinity, exposes the severity of vaccine inequity between high-income and low-income countries, especially in Africa. It found that doses delivered to G20 countries per capita are: 15 times higher than doses delivered per capita to sub-Saharan African countries;15 times higher than doses delivered per capita to low-income countries;3 times higher than doses delivered per capita in all other countries combined. “Vaccine inequity is not just holding the poorest countr...

Les membres du G20 ont reçu 15 fois plus de doses de vaccin anti-COVID par habitant que les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne

Lucy Addy, 52 ans, agent de santé, montre sa carte de vaccination COVID-19 après avoir reçu le vaccin contre la COVID-19 à l'hôpital Ridge d'Accra, au Ghana, en Mars 2021. ©UNICEF/2AMZIFRJZ2XN En amont du Sommet du G20 ce week-end, 48 ambassadeurs et soutiens de l’UNICEF Afrique appellent les pays à livrer des doses d’ici le mois de décembre. Les pays du G20 ont reçu 15 fois plus de doses de vaccin anti-COVID-19 par habitant que les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne*, d’après une nouvelle analyse. Réalisée par la société d’analyse scientifique Airfinity, cette étude met en lumière la gravité de l’inégalité vaccinale entre les pays à revenu élevé et les pays à faible revenu, et notamment les pays d’Afrique. Le nombre de doses par habitant livrées aux pays membres du G20 est ainsi : 15 fois plus élevé que le nombre de doses par habitant livrées aux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne ;15 fois plus élevé que le nombre de doses par habitant livrées aux pays à faible revenu ;3 fois plus élevé q...

IMF Team and the Authorities from the Democratic Republic of Congo Reach Staff-Level Agreement on the First Review under the Extended Credit Facility

Authorities remain committed to building reserves to guard against external shocks, improve governance and the business climate, and enhance transparency, including in the mining sector. IMF staff and the authorities have reached a staff-level agreement on the first review under the three-year Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement; Boosting public investment and social spending critically depends on continued efforts to raise revenues, reducing non-priority spending, and ensuring efficient and transparent use of public funds, including the SDR allocation; Authorities remain committed to building reserves to guard against external shocks, improve governance and the business climate, and enhance transparency, including in the mining sector. An International Monetary (IMF) team, led by Ms. Mercedes Vera Martin, conducted virtual discussions (October 4-13) and meetings with the authorities in Kinshasa during October 20-27, on the first review under the three-year arrangement under the...

DRC President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo met with Isaac Herzog Israel's President in Jerusalem

DRC President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo with Isaac Herzog Israel's President in Jerusalem Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo declared on wednesday that he wanted to build closer ties with Israel in the fields of security, agriculture, infrastructure, and digital technology. " DRC wants to develop the best possible relations with Israel" said the congolese President. "I was happy to hear last year about your decision to appoint an ambassador in Israel and to open an economic section in Jerusalem" said Herzog. "There is tremendous potential for collaboration between Israel and you and your country, and we shall do everything to bring a blessing for all of us." Tshisekedi promised at the 2020 AIPAC conference to appoint an ambassador to Israel after a two-decade gap, and to open a commercial section in Jerusalem. Herzog thanked his counterpart for standing by Israel at the UN, and for supporting Israel joini...

COP26: African Development Bank’s climate champions celebrated in Glasgow

The African Development Bank is a partner of the campaign and implementing agency of Climate Investment Funds. Ahead of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, St. Andrew's Cathedral, the iconic city landmark, will host an exhibition featuring ChangeMakers ( ), a campaign led by Climate Investment Funds. The African Development Bank is a partner of the campaign and implementing agency of Climate Investment Funds. The Bank nominated several climate champions from the continent who actively work in the field of climate action. Their images will be projected on the façade of St. Andrew's Cathedral until one week after the end of COP26. Grace W. Kpan ( ) promotes universal access to energy in Africa. She has set up Light On, an initiative of young Africans, which promotes entrepreneurship in key areas that are a lever for the economy in West Africa so they will be able to face community issues like access to energy. On 15-16 October 20...

Joint declaration of the international partners of the DRC relating to the designation of all the members of the CENI

Joint statement by Belgium, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Spain, United States, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway, from the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and the European Union Following the speech by the President of the Republic of October 22, 2021 in connection with the appointment of all CENI members. Following the speech by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of October 22, 2021, the partners have in a joint declaration reiterated the principles set out in their joint declaration of April 27, 2021 welcoming the inauguration of the new Congolese government. They reaffirmed their attachment to the shared principles of transparency, freedom, inclusiveness, impartiality and credibility of the upcoming elections, essential to the consolidation of democracy and stability in the DRC. Regarding the appointment of all the members of the CENI, they noted with regret that the stakeholde...

Déclaration conjointe des partenaires internationaux de la RDC rélatif à la désignation de l’ensemble des membres de la CENI

Déclaration conjointe de l’Allemagne, de la Belgique, du Canada, de la Corée du Sud, de l’Espagne, des Etats-Unis, de la France, de la Grèce, de l’Italie, du Japon, de la Norvège, des Pays-Bas, du Portugal, du Royaume-Uni, de la Suède, de la Suisse, de la Tchéquie, et de l’Union européenne Suite à l’allocution du Président de la République du 22 octobre 2021 en rapport avec la désignation de l’ensemble des membres de la CENI. Suite à l’allocution du Président de la République Démocratique du Congo, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo du 22 octobre 2021, les partenaires ont dans une déclaratiom conjointe réitèré les principes énoncés lors de leur déclaration conjointe du 27 avril 2021 saluant l’investiture du nouveau Gouvernement congolais. Ils ont réaffirmé leur attachement aux principes partagés de transparence, de liberté, d’inclusivité, d’impartialité et de crédibilité des prochains scrutins, essentiels à la consolidation de la démocratie et à la stabilité en RDC. S’agissant de la dé...

Mandela Remembrance Walk & Run Open to the World Again this Year

The annual Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run (MRWR) is taking place this year on Sunday 5 December 2021. As an increasingly vaccinated world starts fighting its way back to a semblance of normality, it’s almost time again for the eagerly-anticipated annual Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run (MRWR) ( ), taking place this year on Sunday 5 December 2021. The event, which honours and remembers iconic global statesperson Nelson Mandela, will again take place in hybrid fashion, with the physical form at Tshwane’s Union Buildings for a restricted number of 1000 people, and the virtual form being open to participants globally who wish to take part in this special event. COVID restrictions forced the bulk of the event to take place virtually last year, which did however give participants from over 22 countries the chance to be part of the MRWR. Entrants to the event - which has the options of a virtual 5 kilometre walk or 10 and 21 kilometre run – in 2020 came from as far...

Nigerian President Receives Qatari Ambassador Credentials

HE the Ambassador conveying greetings of HH the Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to HE the President of Nigeria HE the Ambassador conveyed greetings of HH the Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to HE the President of Nigeria. HE President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari received the credentials of HE Ali bin Ghanim Al Hajri as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. HE the Ambassador conveyed greetings of HH the Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to HE the President of Nigeria, and His Highnesss wishes of good health and happiness to HE the President, and wishes of continued progress and prosperity to the government and people of Nigeria. For his part, HE the President of Nigeria entrusted HE the Ambassador with his greetings to HH the Amir, wishing him the best of health and happiness, and the State of Qatar continued progress, development and prosperity. Cassien Tribu...

Meeting of Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu with Foreign Minister Chérif Mahamat Zene of Chad, 25 October 2021

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu of Turkey with Chérif Mahamat Zene of Chad The preparations for the visit of the President of Chad to Turkey on 27 October 2021 were discussed. On 25 October 2021, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu had a meeting in Ankara with Chérif Mahamat Zene of Chad. During the meeting, the preparations for the visit of the President of Chad to Turkey on 27 October 2021 were discussed. On the same day, Minister Çavuşoğlu also met with Gjorge Ivanov, former President of North Macedonia and underlined that Turkey would continue to support North Macedonia and its multi-ethnic and multicultural structure. Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor

The African Energy Chamber Announces list of Africa’s Top 25 Movers and Shakers for 2022

By bringing attention to the individuals driving Africa’s energy growth, the recently launched ‘State of African Energy 2022 Outlook’ aims to highlight the expectations for 2022 across the continent. The African Energy Chamber (AEC) ( ) recently announced the launch of the highly anticipated ‘State of African Energy 2022’ outlook. Comprising an outline for Africa’s energy sector, the report provides reliable and actional information on Africa’s energy industry, emphasizing challenges and opportunities, and paving the way for an influx of investment in the continent’s lucrative energy sector. In a bid to promote the role of African players in driving energy sector growth and success, the 2022 outlook identifies Africa’s top 25 movers and shakers to watch in 2022. Specifically, the outlook draws attention to the influential and impactful individuals who are not only leading African companies and organizations into a new era of enhanced activity but are positioning the c...