Signature of a partnership agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and IOM to launch a project to combat modern slavery in mining sites in the province of North Kivu and South Kivu

Jon-Åge Øyslebø, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the DRC, and Fabien Sambussy, IOM Chief of Mission in the DRC

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) concluded, on Wednesday, November 24, 2021, a Partnership agreement to fight modern slavery in mining sites from the province of North Kivu and South Kivu. This project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, will run for 30 months. 

This initiative aims to improve the stability and access to human rights of people in mining sites, including vulnerable women and children in mining areas in eastern DRC, through actions aimed at reducing the prevalence of modern slavery. 

Project interventions include building the capacity of local authorities, civil society and artisanal mining operators, as well as improving coordination mechanisms to effectively address human rights violations in mining supply chains. 

Jon-Åge Øyslebø, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the DRC, and Fabien Sambussy, IOM Chief of Mission in the DRC

On the occasion of the signing ceremony of the partnership agreement, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the DRC, Mr. Jon-Åge Øyslebø affirmed his country's commitment to the fight against trafficking in persons, l exploitation of children and modern slavery in mining sites. “This is a serious violation of basic human rights. The Norwegian government is very sensitive to the fact that the victims who end up in the mines are among the most vulnerable in the DRC. We must come to their aid by strengthening the capacity of local actors to put an end to human rights violations. This is the aim of this project. " For his part, the IOM Chief of Mission in the DRC, Mr. Fabien Sambussy, underlined the importance of supporting government efforts to combat human trafficking in the mining sector. “IOM has been engaged with the Congolese government and the Congolese authorities for several years to support them and support their efforts in the fight against human trafficking. I especially thank today The Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway for its support and especially in the mining sector, witness to many human rights violations. With this project, IOM will continue to support frontline actors in the fight against modern slavery. " The project is in line with the objective of the DRC government relating to due diligence obligations in the mining sector while simultaneously contributing to the training and prevention of human trafficking, as well as to the detection, the investigation and prosecution of traffickers, while ensuring the protection and assistance to victimsand witnesses. IOM works directly with communities and state actors to strengthen the security of mine sites, fight against illicit mineral trafficking and human trafficking while building the capacities of actors and stakeholders for mutual accountability to address and jointly mitigate the main causes of conflict.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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