“90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej” advocacy building tool with African Media and Merck Foundation Alumni

Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, successfuly conducted the second edition of their reporting and engagement tool for their programs ‘90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO’ 2023with the aim to update and discuss their programs and its impact and build advocacy to break infertility stigma, support girl education and transform patient care. 

Thesession showcasedDr. Rasha Kelej engagement with Media Members, Merck Foundation Alumni, Merck Foundation Award Winners, Social Media Followers and other stakeholders on 17th February 2023, through a Videoconference to address several critical health and socia issues, inaddition to sharing her long experience, challenges, solutions and success stories with audiences in social media.

Link to Facebook Livestream of 90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej: https://www.facebook.com/KelejRasha/videos/3312751308939246/

As part of this important meeting, participants explored Senator, Dr. Rasha'spersonal and professional sides through questions about her likes, dislikes, hobbies, personality, education, early life, career, achievements, success stories and chalenges she overcame. Additionally, her vision and plans for achieving the objectives of the Merck Foundation, as well as her personal goals, were discussed.

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundationexpressed, “I am extremely happy to receive so much love during the session. ‘90 Minutes with Merck Foundation CEO’ , I really appreciate all of you,forgiving me an opportunity to share my views, work, life and experience with many of our partners and stakeholders including our alumni, media members, award winners and also our social media folowers. During the session, I answered a range of questions, and I was also able to update everyone about our programs and its impact, and the future plans. I hope the information I shared will be beneficial for many and motivate them to reach their potential and fulfill their dreams in life.”

Senator,Dr. Rasha Kelejhas an experience spanning over 29 years. She has been recognized as One of the 100 Most Influential Africans in the world for 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022.She has also been appointed as SenatoratThe Egyptian Senate (2020 -2025) and awarded Doctorate of Letters Honoris Causa. 

“I was impressed with the range of questions that were asked during the meeting. I am happy that my followers and partners want to know more about every aspect of my work -life fusion concept. I feel connected to them after this one-on-one discussion”, emphasized Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej.

During the session, Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelejresponded to each question with utmost grace and transparency. Beow is the glimpse of the session. 

“Can you tell us about your leadership style?”asked Dr. Ndikumana Sudifrom Burundi. 

Dr. Rasha responded,”Ibelieve in leading with example. A eadership style shoud be inspirational but should also be situational. I change my leadership stye according to the situation and stage I am in. As a leader, it is very important for one to be alert of the circumstance one is dealing with, the stage we are in because time is very critica. You cannot be the same personality in all situations with everyone at al times. Successfu Leadership style should be agile and mutidimensional. 

If there is a disaster and the crisis have to be managed, one has to be very quick and autocratic. Here, the decision has to be made on time so you take the steering wheel in your hand and just go for it because time is very important and critical in this situation.

When there is a luxury of time, and planning, then it can be dealt in a democratic way. You take opinions, and then chose the best and most suitable opinions and ideas . 

But, overall, a leadership style always has tobe very inspirational and leading by example. 

People need to see how you deal with problems, what are your set of work values or ethical values and you set an example with that.”

Rebecca Tetteh, PeaceFM from Ghana acknowledged Dr. Rasha’s work on educating Linda Program. She asked, “It’s commendable how you work under the educating Linda program as it supports the education of many young, talented African girls. Can you tell us more about it?

Dr. Rasha responded, “ Educating Linda is a very basic program where we provide grants to schoolgirls through our local partners to support their education. However, what we do differently is that we use unique ways to raise awareness and build advocacy for the same. 

We created many songs to promote girl education that can be aired on TV and radios like “Girl Can” by Irene and Cwezi from Liberia and Ghana, “Yes, You Can” by Blaze and Tamyris Moiane from Mozambique, “Superwoman” by Cwezi and Adina from Ghana, “Like Them” by Kenneth Mugabifrom Uganda, and “I am Not Anyone’s Bride, Take Me to School” by Wezi from Zambia. We have colaborated with artists around the word to encourage community to support girl’s education and create a change of mindset towards perception of girlsin education through innovative and creative new ways, as we believe in reaching and catching children when they are younger.

We have also aunched chidren’s storybooks like “Jackline’s Rescue”, “A Ride into the Future” and “Educating Linda”to support girleducation. 

Our Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Awards is also a step towards encouraging communities to empower women and support girl education. So, our program isn’t different but our ways of advocating the social issue are novel.”

The meeting was also live streamedon Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej Facebook page, Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej Twitter handleand Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej Instagram page. 

“After the success of the first livestream meeting, I have received request from many of our stakeholders to conduct a series of similar engaging meetings often. I am planning to do conduct such meeting on a regular basis. Stay tuned to know about the nextsession!”, added Dr. Kelej.

Join the conversation on our social media platforms below and let your voice be heard:

Facebook: bit.ly/3vKE8O2

Twitter: bit.ly/2TeOQNj

YouTube: bit.ly/3zc3up1

Instagram: bit.ly/3g6OYr3

Flickr: bit.ly/2Tay0Pu

Website: Merck-Foundation.com

Download the Merck Foundation App: bit.ly/3v7pf5Z

About Merck Foundation:

The Merck Foundation, established in 2017, is the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people and advance their lives through science and technology. Our efforts are primarily focused on improving access to quality & equitable healthcare solutions in underserved communities, building healthcare and scientific research capacity and empowering people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with a special focus on women and youth. All Merck Foundation press releases are distributed by e-mail at the same time they become available on the Merck Foundation Website. Please visit Merck-Foundation.com to read more. To know more, reach out to our social media: Merck Foundation (Merck-Foundation.com); Facebook (bit.ly/32YFKpv), Twitter (bit.ly/2TeOQNj), Instagram (bit.ly/3g6OYr3), YouTube (bit.ly/3zc3up1), and Flickr (bit.ly/2Tay0Pu).

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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