Rasha Kelej focuses in “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” TV program’s 10th Episode on Breaking Infertility Stigma

Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation.


Merck Foundation (www.Merck-Foundation.com), the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany has released the Tenth Episode of their First-ever TV program – ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ on their social media handles.

‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation to feature African Fashion Designers, Singers, and prominent experts from various domains with the aim to raise awareness and create a culture shift across Africa.

The TV program has been broadcasted on prime TV stations of many countries like KTV in Kenya, NTV in Uganda, and GH One TV in Ghana and ZNBC in Zambia, AYV in Sierra Leone and LTV, Liberia, and it immediately captured the attention and hearts of millions of viewers across Africa. “Our Africa” TV Program is currently being broadcast on TV 3 in Ghana, KTN Home in Kenya & Mashariki TV in Burundi, and will soon be broadcast on BTV in Botswana and QTV in The Gambia. “Our Africa” TV Program is currently on social media handles of Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej (Facebook: https://apo-opa.info/3SfA0AF, Instagram: https://apo-opa.info/3YSasvq, Twitter: https://apo-opa.info/3jVPzAw  and  YouTube: https://apo-opa.info/3xoxZs7) and Merck Foundation (Facebook: https://apo-opa.info/3Ykd3hH, Instagram: https://apo-opa.info/3lsqM7q, Twitter: https://apo-opa.info/3Yo3y11  and YouTube: https://apo-opa.info/3SGN568).

The theme for the Tenth Episode is Breaking Infertility Stigma.

Watch the Tenth Episode promo here: https://apo-opa.info/3P6r1BL  

Watch the Tenth Episode here: https://apo-opa.info/3rD5UgV   

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” campaign expressed, “I would like to thank our viewers and social media followers for the outstanding response and feedback we have been getting for ‘Our Africa’ TV program. I am deeply touched by the messages we are getting on our Social Media platforms appreciating the TV Program. The Tenth Episode of ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is particularly close to my heart as we discuss the topic of Breaking the Infertility Stigma among men and women in Africa”.

“Through ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ our aim is to raise awareness in our communities through Fashion and Art, as I strongly believe that Fashion can be a critical partner to create a culture shift, to be the voice of the voiceless, and to break the silence about many issues such as Diabetes Awareness, Breaking Infertility Stigma, Ending Child Marriage, stopping FGM, stopping GBV, Supporting Girl Education and women empowerment, among other social and health issues affecting the continent”, added Senator, Dr. Rasha.

In the Tenth episode of “Our Africa by Merck Foundation”, Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej showcased designs from her colorful collection of casual wear for men and women displaying relevant messages to Breaking Infertility Stigma. This episode also featured Fashion Designers from Ghana – Augustina Annan and Kezia Ansah-Mensal. These two designers have been winners of Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Fashion Awards 2019, they showcased their creations displaying strong messages on awareness and prevention about infertility, male infertility, and also about Fertility being a shared responsibility.

This episode also featured Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” campaign’s Superwoman song by artists Cwesi Oteng and Adina from Ghana.

Watch and listen to this song here: https://apo-opa.info/41DEqFE

The episode also sheds light on some serious data that around 85% of infertility in Africa are due to untreated infections, these infections are a result of unsafe abortions, unsafe deliveries, STDs, FGM, child marriage and many other reasons. These infections can be prevented; hence awareness is very critical.

Merck Foundation’s iconic “More Than a Mother” campaign started and led by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej is a rallying movement to Break Infertility Stigma faced by women across the African continent. Not only that Merck Foundation works to break the Infertility Stigma around women but also men, women are more than mothers, and men are more than fathers.

“Under our ‘More Than a Mother’ campaign, we have provided more than 490 scholarships to young doctors from 39 countries to be the local fertility experts in their respective countries. Many of them were trained to be the first local fertility experts in their countries where they never had even a single local embryologist or fertility specialist before such as; The Gambia, Burundi, Guinea, Chad, Niger, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Malawi, and more. We are proud to be making history here.

Moreover, we have trained more than 2500 media representatives from more than 30 countries to raise community awareness and break the stigma around infertility and infertile and childless women. Media enters every home, and we consider it to be a critical partner for creating a culture shift.” explained Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej.

Merck Foundation has also been empowering childless and infertile women through their “Empowering Berna” initiative under Merck Foundation’s “More Than a Mother” movement. This initiative helps women who cannot be treated for infertility anymore by helping them to get trained to establish small businesses so that they can be independent and re-build their lives. Through ‘Empowering Berna’, the lives of many infertile women have been transformed in many African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Niger, Malawi and many more.

Merck Foundation in partnership with African First Ladies have also launched David’s Story, a children storybook to emphasize strong family values of love and respect from a young age which will reflect on eliminating the stigma of infertility and the resulted domestic violence in the future. The storybooks have been localized for each country to have a better connect with the young readers. Read David’s Story here: https://apo-opa.info/3Zmgd55

Merck Foundation has also released more than 30 songs, many of these songs have been created with aim to break the infertility stigma, as a part of their “More Than a Mother” campaign. Listen to some of the songs here:

Watch, share & subscribe to the 'Plus qu'une MERE' composed and sung by Ms. Lucky-Lou, the daughter of The President and The First Lady of Burundi: https://apo-opa.info/3E3gwZE

Watch, share & subscribe to the “More Than a Mother” song by Cwesi Oteng and Adina from Ghana: https://apo-opa.info/41DEqFE

Watch, share & subscribe to the “More Than a Mother” song by H.E. George Weah, the President of the Republic of Liberia created to support Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” movement: https://apo-opa.info/3Zf4wNG

Listen to all “More than a Mother” songs here: https://apo-opa.info/3KRLMiD   

“To address this important issue of breaking infertility stigma and also a wide range of other social issues, we annually launch Merck Foundation ‘More Than a Mother’ Awards in partnership with African First Ladies. I would also like to invite the African Community of Media, Fashion, Film making, and Musicians, students and potential talents in these fields to apply for the awards this year, in order to create a culture shift and break the silence about one or more of the following topics: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels. I am looking forward to receiving their creative work on submit@merck-foundation.com”, added Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej.

“I am very excited to bring to you all the upcoming episodes of ‘OUR AFRICA by Merck Foundation’ TV program. So, stay tuned and be ready to Get informed, Get healthy, and Get entertained!”, concluded Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej.

Watch General Promo of the Program here: https://apo-opa.info/3GITwRe  

Watch Episode 1 here: https://apo-opa.info/3IfqqdE  

Watch Episode 2 here: https://apo-opa.info/3lTSmuw

Watch Episode 3 here: https://apo-opa.info/44XyhVr

Watch Episode 4 here:  https://apo-opa.info/3LuTgII

Watch Episode 5 here: https://apo-opa.info/3OLOWVw  

Watch Episode 6 here:  https://apo-opa.info/3RNCohy

Watch Episode 7 here: https://apo-opa.info/3BGA7O3

Watch Episode 8 here:  https://apo-opa.info/3OI7ZQK  

Watch Episode 9 here: https://apo-opa.info/45khUTt

Click on the Icon below to Download the Merck Foundation App: bit.ly/3v7pf5Z

Join the conversation on our social media platforms below and let your voice be heard:

Facebook: bit.ly/3vKE8O2

Twitter: bit.ly/2TeOQNj

YouTube: bit.ly/3zc3up1

Instagram: bit.ly/3g6OYr3

Flickr: bit.ly/2Tay0Pu

Website: Merck-Foundation.com

About Merck Foundation:

The Merck Foundation, established in 2017, is the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people and advance their lives through science and technology. Our efforts are primarily focused on improving access to quality & equitable healthcare solutions in underserved communities, building healthcare and scientific research capacity and empowering people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with a special focus on women and youth. All Merck Foundation press releases are distributed by e-mail at the same time they become available on the Merck Foundation Website. Please visit Merck-Foundation.com to read more. To know more, reach out to our social media: Merck Foundation (Merck-Foundation.com); Facebook (bit.ly/32YFKpv), Twitter (bit.ly/2TeOQNj), Instagram (bit.ly/3g6OYr3), YouTube (bit.ly/3zc3up1), and Flickr (bit.ly/2Tay0Pu).

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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