
La Fondation Merck et 11 Premières Dames Africaines pour le Sommet En Ligne 2022 appellent au renforcement des capacités en matière de soins de santé, à briser la stigmatisation de l'infertilité, à mettre fin au mariage des enfants et à soutenir l'éducation des filles en Afrique et au-delà

• Le Sommet de l’Initiative des Premières Dames de la Fondation Merck - MFFLI 2022 a été organisé virtuellement par le Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg Haverkamp,Président du Directoire d'E.Merck KG et Président du Conseil d'Administration de la Fondation Merck et Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO de la Fondation Merck et Présidente de la Campagne « Plus Qu'une Mère » de la Fondation Merck • Plus de 20 Premières Dames Africaines, qui sont également les Ambassadrices de la Fondation Merck « Plus Qu'une Mère », sont membres de l’Initiative des Premières Dames de la Fondation Merck - MFFLI, la plate-forme annuelle établie par la Fondation Merck pour discuter de leurs programmes et activités communs et partenariat à long terme avec les Premières Dames d'Afrique dans leurs pays. La Fondation Merck, la branche philanthropique de Merck KGaA Allemagne, a organisé la 4ème édition de l’Initiative des Premières Dames de la Fondation Merck - MFFLI - Sommet 2022...

Merck Foundation and 11 African First Ladies Online Summit 2022 call for healthcare capacity building, breaking the Infertility stigma, ending child marriage and supporting girl education in Africa and beyond

• Merck Foundation First Ladies Initiative- MFFLI Summit 2022 was hosted  virtually by Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg Haverkamp, Chairman of both Executive  Board of E.Merck KG & Merck Foundation Board of Trustees and Senator, Dr.  Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck Foundation “More  Than a Mother” Campaign • More than 20 African First Ladies, who are also the Ambassadors of Merck  Foundation “More Than a Mother”, are members of Merck Foundation First Ladies initiative - MFFLI, the annual platform established by Merck Foundation  to discuss their joint programs and activities and long term partnership with  African First Ladies in their countries. Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany conducted the 4th  edition of Merck Foundation First Ladies Initiative- MFFLI - Summit 2022, held via a  Videoconference, on 18th May 2022. The Summit was hosted by Prof. Dr. Frank  Stangenberg Haverkamp, Ch...

Causes and Impacts of Girls' Early and Forced Marriage in Society

Every year, more than 12 million girls are forced into marriage before the age of 18. These girls then see their right to childhood and education stolen, and their prospects for the future and development limited. Child marriages keep young girls in conditions of poverty and powerlessness, from generation to generation.  What is early and forced marriage  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines forced marriage as the union of two people, one of whom has not given their free and full consent to the marriage. Child marriages refer to any marriage involving a child under the age of 18. Early and forced marriage therefore refers to all child marriages.  Forced marriage is a violation of fundamental human rights, including freedom and physical integrity. Child marriage is a global violation of human rights and has serious impacts on their health and economic empowerment. This traditional practice deprives girls of their childhood and exposes them to violence, rape, s...

Causes et Répercussions du mariage précoce et forcé des filles en société

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de filles sont mariées de force avant l'âge de 18 ans. Ces filles voient alors leur droit à l’enfance et à l’éducation volé, et leurs perspectives d’avenir et d’évolution limitées. Les mariages d'enfants maintiennent les jeunes filles dans des conditions de pauvreté et d’impuissance, de génération en génération. C'est quoi le mariage précoce et forcé La Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme définit le mariage forcé comme étant l'union de deux personnes dont l'une n'a pas donné son libre et plein consentement au mariage. Les mariages d'enfants désignent tout mariage impliquant un enfant de moins de 18 ans. Le mariage précoce et forcé désigne donc l'ensemble des mariages d'enfants.  Le mariage forcé est une atteinte aux droits humains fondamentaux, notamment à la liberté et à l’intégrité physique. Le mariage d’enfants constitue une violation globale des droits humains et a de graves impacts sur leur santé et le...

African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa, a stalwart of the energy industry, has been rebranded as Enlit Africa

The conversation from the Day 1 opening keynote will be expanded to determine how opportunities such as those being opened up by Eskom’s Just Energy Transition Partnership in South Africa can be replicated across the African continent. After two years in limbo, the African events industry is making a comeback in June 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa, with the latest edition of Africa’s most respected power and energy event: African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa, which is now known as Enlit Africa. VIEW THE ENLIT AFRICA PROGRAMME -   Collaboration to fast-forward Africa’s energy transition. At COP26 in 2021, South Africa signed a $8.5 billion energy transition deal intended to contribute to the early retirement of coal plants, building cleaner energy sources and support of coal-dependent regions. But what does the transition away from coal mean for jobs in the coal mining sector and how does the country plan to reskill the existing workforce to move towards ...

Call for application: MERCK FOUNDATION AFRICA RESEARCH SUMMIT 2022 - Submission Deadline - 31st of July, 2022

Merck Foundation Africa Research Summit - MARS 2022 will be held in Dubai with the aim to empower Women and Youth in Research.   Merck Foundation Africa Research Summit - MARS 2022 will have scientific support from African Union Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (AU-STRC), Infectious Diseases Institute, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Graduate School, Advanced Center for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), India and Merck Foundation. The annual summit aims to contribute to building research capacity in the African research community, with special focus on “The Role of Scientific Research in responding to Cancer and Vaccines Development – Two emerging challenges in Africa”. On other note the organizing committee will present the “Best Young African Researcher Award” and the “Best African Woman Researcher Award” to recognize the outstanding contribution of African Female Scientists with the aim to...

The 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in South Africa Nears its End, Knowledge Building and Awareness-Raising to Fight against Child Labour are Important

  This was the first time the conference was held on African soil, and history was made when children were included and given a voice in the conference for the first time. The 5th International Global Conference to Eliminate Child Labour's fifth and final day of side events and thematic panel sessions concluded on Thursday, 19 May 2022 at the ICC in Durban, South Africa. Panel discussions were productive and valuable, paving the way for a commitment to end child labour. This was the first time the conference was held on African soil, and history was made when children were included and given a voice in the conference for the first time. On 20 May 2022, the conference will conclude with the adoption of the Durban Call to Action and a closing ceremony. The day's thematic panels addressed issues such as child labour in agriculture and supply chains, overcoming vulnerabilities Throughout the week, participants could interact both online and in-person thanks to the hybrid conference...