
Administrator Samantha Power travels to Mogadishu, Somalia

Administrator Power met with Somali private sector and non-governmental organization leaders to learn about local and diaspora efforts to respond to the drought and build resilience. The below is attributable to Acting Spokesperson Shejal Pulivarti:‎ On July 24, Administrator Samantha Power traveled to Mogadishu, Somalia where she met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to discuss the historic drought that has already resulted in acute food insecurity for more than 7 million Somalis. They spoke about strengthening U.S. - Somalia collaboration to prevent widespread famine and increase resilience to future shocks. The two also discussed U.S. support for President Hassan Sheikh’s ambitious reform agenda, focused on promoting national reconciliation, strengthening Somalia’s federal institutions, and addressing the threat from al Shabab. Administrator Power emphasized the importance of strengthening democratic governance and economic reform efforts as the basis for long-term stability. Adm...

Gambie : le Fonds africain de développement accorde un financement additionnel de 3,3 millions de dollars pour développer la chaîne de valeur du riz

Le financement additionnel est destiné à la fourniture d’intrants subventionnés et à appuyer des réformes politiques destinées à accroître la production alimentaire. Le Conseil d’administration du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement ( ) a approuvé, le 15 juillet 2022 à Abidjan, un don de 3,5 millions de dollars à la Gambie. Les ressources proviennent de la Facilité d’appui à la transition ( ) du Fonds africain de développement, le guichet concessionnel du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement. Ce financement additionnel est destiné à mettre en oeuvre un projet de transformation de la chaîne de valeur du riz. Le Programme de transformation de la chaîne de valeur du riz a été lancé en décembre 2018, avec un financement total de sept millions de dollars sous forme de don du Fonds africain de développement, et de la Facilité d’appui à la transition. Objectif : améliorer les revenus agricoles, les moyens de subsistance en mili...

The Gambia: African Development Fund Approves Additional $3.3 Million Financing for Rice Value Chain Transformation Program

The additional financing will focus on providing subsidized inputs as well as policy reforms destined to scale up food production. The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( ) has approved a grant of $3.5 million from the African Development Fund’s Transition Support Facility ( ) as additional financing for a rice value chain transformation project in the Gambia. The Rice Value Chain Transformation Program was started in December 2018, with total grant financing of $7 million from the African Development Fund, the Bank’s concessional lending window, and the Transition Support Facility. The project’s goal is to improve farm incomes, rural livelihoods, food and nutrition security in the country. Thus, it targets the production, processing, and marketing of rice in the Gambia, as well as reducing imports. The additional financing will focus on providing subsidized inputs as well as policy reforms destined to scale up food pr...

DLA Piper Launches Inaugural Survey of In-House Lawyers in Africa

DLA Piper Africa, in partnership with The Legal 500, has published its inaugural WIN (What In-house lawyers Need) Insights Report for Africa and associated Benchmarking Report. Changing nature of the In-House role - 57% state that the most senior lawyer within their organisation now had a direct input to business strategy; The war for talent - only 21% felt that they would be able to find and recruit in-house lawyers at a suitable level of experience; Limited use of key technology tools - document review software (11%), eSignatures (10%), contract lifecycle management tools (8%), or legal spend management and e-billing software (5%). DLA Piper Africa, in partnership with The Legal 500, has published its inaugural WIN (What In-house lawyers Need) Insights Report for Africa and associated Benchmarking Report. The reports are based on in-depth conversations with some of the continent’s leading General Counsel (GC) in addition to a survey of over 300 in-house lawyers across Africa. Both re...

United Arab Emirates contributes 60 million dollars to saving lives in Ethiopia

The UAE funds, delivered through the Famine Relief Fund, will allow WFP to continue to address the urgent food needs of 1.6 million people in the conflict-affected north of Ethiopia. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes USD 60 million from the United Arab Emirates to support their humanitarian response in Ethiopia. The funding will provide emergency food and nutrition assistance in response to an alarming rise in food insecurity, particularly in the north of the country where 19 months of war has almost exhausted people’s coping mechanisms and displaced hundreds of thousands from their homes. More than 13 million people require humanitarian food assistance in conflict-affected Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions. This comes against the backdrop of the global food crisis where rising costs linked to the war in Ukraine are compounding woes. The UAE funds, delivered through the Famine Relief Fund, will allow WFP to continue to address the urgent food needs of 1.6 million peo...

Nigeria: African Development Bank Board Approves $134 Million Loan to Boost Local Food Production

The program will support fast-tracking of the implementation of key policy and institutional reforms and boost private sector participation in agriculture. The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( ) on Friday approved a $134 million loan for the National Agriculture Growth Scheme – Agro Pocket program in Nigeria to scale up food production and boost livelihood resilience. The program will support fast-tracking of the implementation of key policy and institutional reforms and boost private sector participation in agriculture. This will help increase cereals and oil grains production by 7 million tonnes to 35 million tonnes. It will also increase average cereal yields from 1.42 tonnes to 2 tonnes per hectare during the September 2022-December 2023 implementation period. The program aligns with the Bank’s African Emergency Food Production Facility ( ) and will support Nigeria’s efforts to mitigate the impacts of the war in Ukraine....

Nigeria : un prêt de 134 millions de dollars de la Banque africaine de développement pour booster la production alimentaire

Ce programme va accélérer la mise en œuvre de réformes politiques et institutionnelles clés et stimuler la participation du secteur privé dans l’agriculture. Le Conseil d’administration du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement ( a approuvé, vendredi 15 juillet 2022, à Abidjan, un prêt de 134 millions de dollars en faveur du Programme national de croissance agricole - Agro Pocket au Nigeria. L’objectif est d’accroître la production alimentaire du pays et d’y renforcer la résilience des moyens de subsistance. Ce programme va accélérer la mise en œuvre de réformes politiques et institutionnelles clés et stimuler la participation du secteur privé dans l’agriculture. Ce qui contribuera à augmenter de 7 millions de tonne la production de céréales et d’oléagineux, pour atteindre les 35 millions de tonnes. Cela permettra également de porter la moyenne des rendements céréaliers de 1,42 tonne à 2 tonnes par hectare durant la période de mise en œuvre du projet (septembre 202...