Merck Foundation CEO and the First Lady of DR Congo celebrate the International Day for the "Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls" after appointing her Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother

Dr. Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO, appointed the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo as Merck Ambassador More Than a Mother holding the official document of appointment together with H.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother

The First Lady of DR Congo partners with Merck Foundation ( to build healthcare capacity, break the stigma of infertility and empower girls through education; Merck Foundation CEO underlined its long-term commitment to social and economic development in the Democratic Republic of Congo through its partnership with the First Lady and the Ministry of Health. 

Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, underlined their long-term commitment by starting their partnership with the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo, H.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI. During the high-level meeting held this week, Dr Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO, appointed the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo as Merck Ambassador More Than a Mother to work closely with Merck Foundation to break infertility stigma, strengthen health capacity and empower girls through education in the country.

H.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother stressed: “I am very happy to be associated with the Merck Foundation and to start their precious programs in our country as as the Ambassador. These programs will help us transform our public health care sector and create future change to empower infertile and childless women through access to information, health and mindset change, as well as empower girls through education close to my heart. "

Dr. Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO, appointed the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo as Merck Ambassador More Than a Mother and H.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother

Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President, Merck More Than a Mother stressed: “I am very proud of our partnership with the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo and welcome her as Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother, and new member of 'Merck Foundation First Ladies Initiative-MFFLI'. With the outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic, strengthening healthcare capacity is of the utmost importance and, through our partnership, we plan to provide specialized training to equip local doctors with the skills they need to improve access to equitable and quality health solutions. " In addition to appointing the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo as Ambassador of Merck More Than A Mother, the Merck Foundation also marked the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”. "Violence Against Women and Girls (VEFF) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations, and on the occasion of the" International Day to End Violence sidelining Violence Against Women " we must work together to sideline violence against women and girls once and for all" said Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation. 

"Merck Foundation has enrolled 32 doctors from the Democratic Republic of Congo to follow a Masters in Diabetes in French accredited by the Diabetes Societies, United Kingdom as part of their "Diabetes Blue Point Program" to help doctors prevent and take support disease in their communities. Merck Foundation also provided fertility and embryology training to 5 physicians in the Democratic Republic of Congo with the aim of establishing a strong platform of leading fertility specialists and embryologists to help infertile couples in the country as part of their historic 'Merck Mother Than a Mother' campaign. Merck Foundation has also recruited 1 oncologist from the Democratic Republic of Congo under its “Merck Oncology Fellowship Program” in order to increase the limited number of oncologists in the country and plans to enroll more doctors after the end of confinement due to coronaviruses. COVID-19 has severely affected the families of casual and daily workers. To address this issue, the Merck Foundation made a community donation to casual workers and women to support poor families in the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of their coronavirus response program. We also plan to support 20 girls as part of the Merck Foundation "Educating Katty" which aims to empower girls through education in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are working closely with the First Lady on this new program with the goal of empowering girls through education, ” added Dr. Rasha Kelej, One of the 100 Most Influential Africans (2019, 2020).

Dr. Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO, appointed the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo as Merck Ambassador More Than a Mother walking with H.E. Madame DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI, The First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother

Merck Foundation also announced 9 winners from the Democratic Republic of Congo for their Media Recognition Awards named "Stay at Home" Media Recognition Awards 2020 which were launched earlier this year in partnership with the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo with the aim of building media capacity and awareness of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Here are the winners from the Democratic Republic of Congo in partnership with The First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo: 


FIRST Position: 

▪ Cassien Tribunal Aungane - Radio Centrale & personal blog named "Diplomacy & Development, "DRC (500 USD) 

▪ Mukanya Kafuata Andre - Mbote Africa, DRC (500 USD) 

SECOND Position: 

▪ Stéphie Manza Mukinzi -, DRC (300 USD) 


First Position: 

▪ Mathy Musau Dinyika - Forum Des As, DRC (500 USD) 


FIRST Position: 

▪ Muemba Wa Muemba Donat - Jua Services / Jua Magazine, DRC (500 USD)

SECOND Position: 

▪ Jessy Nzengu - Palmier Community Radio-Television, DRC (300 USD) 

THIRD Position: 

• Kazadi Lukusa Nicolas- Happy Day Broadcasting, DRD (200 US $) 


First position: 

▪ Aly Bukasa Kabambi - Butook Community Radio, DRC (500 USD) 

SECOND Position: 

▪ Jody Daniel Nkashama - Radio Okapi, DRC (300 USD)

It has to be noted that he Merck Foundation (, was created in 2017, is the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany. It aims to improve the health and well-being of people and to advance their lives through science and technology. The efforts are primarily focused on improving access to innovative healthcare solutions in underserved communities, building scientific and health research capacity, and empowering people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), with an emphasis on women and youth. 

All Merck Foundation press releases are distributed by email as soon as they become available on the Merck Foundation website. All details are available on: for more information and / or to register online: Merck Foundation Merck Foundation (, Facebook (, Twitter (, Instagram (, YouTube ( and Flicker (

It should be noted that the “Merck More Than a Mother” campaign: “Merck More Than a Mother” is a strong movement that aims to empower infertile women through access to information, education and mentality change. 

This important campaign helps governments shape policies to improve access to regulated, safe and effective fertility care. It defines interventions aimed at breaking the stigma around infertile women and raises awareness about infertility prevention, management and male infertility. 

In partnership with the African First Ladies, the Ministries of Health, Information, Education and Gender, University, political decision-makers, International Fertility Societies, the media and the arts, the initiative also offers training to fertility specialists and embryologists to strengthen and improve fertility care capacities in Africa and in developing countries. 

With 'Merck More Than a Mother', has initiated a cultural shift to destigmatize infertility at all levels: By raising awareness, training local experts in fertility care and media, strengthening advocacy in collaboration with African First Ladies and women leaders and by supporting childless women in setting up their own small businesses. It's about giving every woman the respect and help she deserves to live a fulfilling life, with or without children.

Merck Foundation has launched innovative new initiatives to educate local communities on Infertility Prevention, Male Infertility with the aim of breaking infertility stigma and empowering infertile women as part of the CAMPAIGN OF COMMUNITY AWARENESS “Merck More Than a Mother”, such as; 

• ‘Merck More than a Mother’ Media Recognition Awards and Health Media Training 

• “Merck More than a Mother” Fashion Awards 

• ‘Merck More than a Mother’ Film Awards 

• Local songs with local artists to address the cultural perception of infertility and how to change it 

• Children's storybook, adapted for each country.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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