DRC Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and New Information and Communication Technologies of the DRC, Augustin Kibassa Maliba attends the official opening of the GSMA ministerial program in Barcelona, Spain

The DRC Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and New Information and Communication Technologies of the DRC, Augustin Kibassa Maliba took part last Monday June 28, in the official opening of MWC Barcelona 2021, at FIRA GRAN VIA, Barcelona. Coming to represent the DRC at the invitation of the GSMA (The Association of Mobile Phone Operators of the World), Kibassa Maliba attended the ministerial program of the MWC Mobile Phone Congress centered on the theme: "Impact of connectivity". A closed-door round table of Ministerial program of the World Telephony Congress with Telecommunication sector ministers and regulators to find solutions for the imminent effective deployment of 5th generation 5G mobile technology. To do this, harmonization and management of the high and middle frequency spectrum are essential. Hence the interest for Africa in general and the DRC in particular to get involved in the discussions and arrangements of the different regions of the International Telecom...