Opening in Agadir of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting Local Governments (FAMI_6)

Group Photo, FAMI 6, 28 November 2022, Agadir (Morocco)
(Source: United Cities and Local Governments of Africa 
(UCLG Africa)

The Forum is organized by the Pan-African Organization of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), through its African Local Government Academy.

The 6th edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting Territorial Communities (FAMI 6_2022) opened its work in the city of Agadir, on Monday, November 28 at the Training Center of the School of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Ibn Zohr University, and will continue until Saturday, December 03, 2022.

The Forum is organized by the Pan-African Organization of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), through its African Local Government Academy (ALGA), in partnership and with the support of the European Commission, the Directorate General of Local Authorities of the Ministry of the Interior of Morocco, the Souss-Massa Region, the Prefectural Council of Agadir Ida-Outanane, the Ibn Zohr University and the Training Center of the School of Medicine and Pharmacy of Agadir, the Provincial Council of Tiznit, the Provincial Council of Taroudant, the Municipal Council of Agadir, the National Agency for the Development of Oasis and Argan Zones (ANDZOA), the national associations of Local and Regional Governments of Morocco (ARM, AMPCPP, AMPCC), the ADEME energy management agency of France, the 4Cs-Morocco Center, the Office of the United Nations Project on Governance, Directorate of Public Institutions, and Digital Governance (DIPGD), and the Department of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs (UNPOG/DPIDG/UN DESA).

The organizers of the Forum have chosen as the theme for this edition, which is being held one week after the closing of COP27: “The challenge of training and building the capacities of Local Elected Officials and of Local Government Staff in Africa in terms of Climate Action”.

It is a week that promises to be fruitful on a scientific and academic level, through several segments: four Plenary Sessions on issues related to climate action, around fifteen Workshops and Master classes, as well as field visits to inquire about transformational projects and cultural heritage as a vector of peace and development. These are so many opportunities for discussion, sharing, peer learning, awareness, training, and capacity building.

About 40 countries are represented at the Forum, including 33 African countries, with a strong presence of representatives of Governments, Local Governments, International Organizations, Territorial Managers, representatives of training institutions, as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society.

The opening ceremony was moderated by Dr. Najat ZARROUK, Director of Development and of the African Local Government Academy (ALGA) of UCLG Africa, member of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration of the United Nations and President of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA), representing Mr. Jean Pierre ELONG MBASSI, Secretary General of UCLG Africa.

This ceremony was marked:

On the one hand, by the opening speech of the Forum on behalf of The Honorable Mrs. Fatimetou MINT ABDEL MALICK, President of UCLG Africa, President of the Permanent Gender Committee of UCLG, President of the Region of Nouakchott, Mauritania; her speech was read by The Honorable Mrs. Jeannette NYIRAMASENGESHO, President of the Rwandan Association of Local Authorities (RALGA) of Rwanda, President of the Ngororero District Council of the Western Province, President of the Association of Local Governments of East Africa. Mrs. Fatimetou MINT ABDEL MALICK declared: "Today, we have come here to amplify the role of African local governments as the most appropriate level of governance for the implementation of the Climate Agenda", and affirmed that “UCLG Africa remains committed and resolved to accompany and support its members and networks in the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in access to climate finance and more particularly to the Green Climate Fund, as well as in the implementation of an awareness-raising, training and capacity-building and technical assistance program for their benefit, in order to enable them to develop climate plans and prepare applications that are eligible for funding by the Green Climate Fund.» ;

On the other hand, the opening speeches of the Partners of UCLG Africa, in particular that of the Honorable Mr. Karim ACHENGLI, President of the Council of the Souss-Massa Region, the Honorable Mr. Abdellah MESSAOUDI, President of the Prefectural Council of Agadir-Ida-Outanane, of the Honorable Mr. Abdelghani BOUAICHI, Vice-President of the Communal Council of Agadir, of the Honorable Mr. Lahcen AMROUCH, President of the Communal Council of Argana, Vice-President of the Provincial Council of Taroudant and Vice-Treasurer of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Communal Councils (AMPCC), the Honorable Professor Abdelaziz BENDOU, President of Ibn Zohr University, as well as Mrs. Khadija SAMI , Regional Director of the Environment, representing the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development.

The various Partners were unanimous in thanking UCLG Africa for holding this 6th edition in the Souss-Massa Region around a theme that is of paramount importance because, in the words of the President of the Council of the Souss-Massa Region, Massa, this Region, aware of “the importance of the challenges of climate change and population growth, as well as of the strong pressure on natural resources, in particular water, got involved very early in the Climate Agenda.”

The President of the Prefectural Council of Agadir-Ida-Outanane affirmed the commitment of this Local Government, adding that its participation "is also part of the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI – May God Assist him – aimed at strengthening partnership and cooperation among the countries and peoples of African countries”.

For the Municipality of Agadir, "this meeting is an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of the Municipality of Agadir in terms of environmental management in favor of the climate".

As for the Representative of the AMPCC, he said he was “delighted with the fruitful cooperation with UCLG Africa”, affirming that the future is promising for these two institutions to jointly carry out actions that produce added value for the Territorial Communities. The Representative of the AMPCC added: "To carry out territorial development actions as well as possible, we must have well-trained and initiated territorial managers, and I am convinced that during these days of training in this beautiful city of Morocco, you will improve your skills, because ALGA is known for its training courses which are very useful for territorial development operators”.

The President of Ibn Zohr University, who has made available to UCLG Africa and its Academy, the Training Center of the School of Medicine and Pharmacy with all its facilities, welcomed the delegations who made the trip to Agadir, before listing the important questions to be raised for “the good of African citizens”: “How to produce without harming the environment? How to produce clean energy? In collaboration with local partners, there is innovation in agriculture, with young people carrying out important research work. »

The Representative of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, who spoke last to leave the voice and priority to Local Authorities as privileged actors in Climate Action, expressed her sincere thanks to the organizers of the Forum for the choice of such a "strategic and priority" theme,", underlining that "Morocco has committed itself in a proactive manner and in perfect harmony with the international and regional effort in terms of climate action. Despite its very low contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, Morocco has already put itself on the path to decarbonization ”.

The opening ceremony of the FAMI_6 forum was crowned by a video message addressed to the participants by the Honorable the Director and Regional Representative of the African Office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Mr. Frank TURYATUNGA, who noted that “ While Africa's ratification rate is impressive, up to 72% of NDCs lack an investment plan, which is essential for attracting the implementation capacity of local and international companies ”.

- A Plenary Session dedicated to keynote speakers who recalled the main challenges of Climate Action and shared innovations in this area:

The Honorable Mrs. Jeannette NYIRAMASENGESHO, President of RALGA who shared her country's experience and highlighted the role of Local and Subnational Governments in the fight against Climate Change; 

The Honorable Mr. Brahim HAFIDI, Director General of the National Agency for the Development of Oasis and Argan Zones (ANDZOA), Morocco;

The Honorable Mr. Didier DOGLEY, former Minister of the Environment, Senior Expert in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Seychelles;

Professor Linda J. BILMES, Professor at Harvard University, Member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration, USA;

The Honorable Mr. Mohamed SEFIANI, President of the Communal Council of Chefchaouen, UCLG Special Envoy to the United Nations for Food Systems, Morocco; 

The Honorable Ms. Rola Dashti, Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) .

- A second Plenary Session entitled " Where are we in terms of Implementation and Territorialization of Global and African Commitments on Climate Action: Focus on the Main Results of COP27" was moderated by Mrs. Rajae CHAFIL, Director General of the 4C-Morocco Center, and Mr. Mohammed NBOU, Director of the Climate Task Force of UCLG Africa.

FAMI 6_2022 will also have a Training of Trainers Session on Climate Action, in partnership with the ADEME energy management agency of France, in which 28 people participate during four days of training which will be led by Expert Trainers from Benin and Cameroon.

Participants will also be able to visit, at their choice, the City of Agadir, the City of Tiznit, and the City of Taroudant, to inquire about transformational projects and cultural heritage.

The Forum Program will be crowned by the planting of trees, by the African Delegations, in a school in the City of Agadir, in partnership and with the support of the National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and the Argan Tree (ANDZOA).

Photos Day1:

Video Best of Day 1: 

UCLG Africa website:  

UCLG Africa’s ALGA website:

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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