MEDCOP 2023 Conference in Tangiers, Morocco: UCLG Africa mobilized for climate justice in the Mediterranean

On June 22 and 23, 2023 in Tangiers, Morocco, the MEDCOP Conference, or "Mediterranean Sustainable Development Cooperation Conference", will be held. 

A few months before the next COP28 in Dubai, the MEDCOP Conference is a major gathering of key players from the Mediterranean region working in the field of climate. It is a forum that aspires to discuss challenges and solutions in terms of sustainable development, and it is within this enabling environment that UCLG Africa is firmly committed.

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is preparing to participate actively, in particular by continuing to expand its action in favor of ever-greater access for cities and territories to climate transition and adaptation financing tools, as well as by organizing a session dedicated to the integration of the gender and climate approach in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The session will bring together renowned speakers and will be moderated by the Secretary General of UCLG Africa, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi. The session will provide an opportunity for a dynamic dialogue on gender and climate justice.

At the heart of UCLG Africa's mission lies an ambitious vision, that of facing the challenges of climate change by promoting resilience, guaranteeing equitable participation of all stakeholders, and fully integrating the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. To bring this vision to life, UCLG Africa is actively involved in multiple international initiatives aimed at promoting climate justice.

As a key stakeholder in the field of local and regional governance in Africa, UCLG Africa plays a crucial role in promoting ambitious climate policies and concrete solutions at the level of local governments.

Thus, even before the start of the conference, UCLG Africa shall hold a meeting of its Climate Task Force on June 21, a strategic meeting bringing together representatives of the European Union, UCLG World, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD), the goal being to draw a roadmap to strengthen climate action at the local and regional level by identifying concrete measures and promoting collaboration between key actors.

During the official opening ceremony of the MEDCOP, the sub-region will experience a significant milestone: major agreements and conventions will be signed. These agreements will relate in particular to the Readiness project for the territorialization of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Morocco, in which UCLG Africa plays a crucial operational role. One of these conventions will focus on the decarbonization of industrial areas in the Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region. This collaboration will involve the Moroccan Ministries of Energy and Interior, as well as Moroccan employers, the region of Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, the Mediterranean House of Climate, and of course, UCLG Africa. Together, all these stakeholders aim to support this pilot region of Morocco in its transition to low-carbon industrial zones.

At the same time, UCLG Africa will also enter into cooperation agreements with key partners such as ministries, regions, and civil society coalitions. These agreements will strengthen collaboration and promote the integration of climate action at the territorial level.

UCLG Africa believes in the power of collaboration and recognizes that gender equality is both a fundamental right and an essential catalyst for climate resilience. This is why, on June 23, a special session of the MEDCOP will be dedicated to the integration of a gender and climate approach in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. By becoming aware of the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable communities, especially women, UCLG Africa wishes to highlight the importance of gender-responsive policies and empower women as agents of change in their respective communities. This session will bring together renowned speakers, such as Ms. Aawatif Hayar , Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family Affairs, Ms. Nouzha Bouchareb, President of ConnectinGroupInternational, Ms. Josefa Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission, Mrs. Fatna Lkhiyel, President of the REFELA Morocco network of locally elected women, as well as representatives of UN-Women and of the Union for the Mediterranean. Moderated by Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of UCLG Africa, this session promises to be a dynamic and inclusive dialogue on gender, climate, and climate justice.

Throughout the MEDCOP Conference, UCLG Africa will actively participate in different sessions and roundtables. These meetings will address topics such as the Blue Economy, highlighting the importance of sustainability in the maritime and coastal sectors. In addition, UCLG Africa will share its expertise in terms of innovative financing mechanisms and access to financial resources to support local climate initiatives at the level of the subnational governments.

UCLG Africa's presence and engagement at the MEDCOP Conference demonstrates its central role in promoting climate action at the local and regional level, as well as its support for gender equality and climate justice. By working closely with stakeholders and sharing its expertise, UCLG Africa actively contributes to building a sustainable and resilient future for African local and regional governments and beyond.

It should be noted that United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), the pan-African organization representing the 16,000 local governments of Africa, is pleased to invite you to cover its activities during the MEDCOP Conference (Mediterranean Sustainable Cooperation Conference), which will be held in Tangiers, Morocco, on June 22 and 23, 2023. In addition, you are cordially invited to attend the Press Briefing which will be held on this occasion (the exact time will be confirmed later depending on logistics) .

For several years, UCLG Africa has played an increasingly important role in the promotion of climate justice and climate action at the level of cities and territories. To this end, UCLG Africa proposes to take advantage of the ongoing review of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to initiate their definition following a bottom-up approach starting with Locally and Regionally Determined Contributions (RLDCs). UCLG Africa is also working to improve the access of local governments of Africa to climate finance.

The MEDCOP provides an opportunity to demonstrate the commitment of African cities and territories to climate action. A strong delegation of mayors and leaders of local and regional governments of Morocco and other countries of Africa will take part in this conference, which will be preceded on June 21, 2023 by the meeting of the Climate Task Force set up by UCLG Africa.

Also taking part in the MEDCOP will be representatives of institutions such as the European Union, the African Development Bank, the West African Development Bank, and experts and key actors in the field of climate intervening in Africa.

About United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa): The umbrella organization of local and regional governments in Africa was founded in 2005 in the town of Tshwane, South Africa, following the unification of three continental groups local governments, namely the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA); the Union of African Cities (AVU); and the Africa chapter of the União das Cidades e Capitais Lusófonas (UCCLA). UCLG Africa brings together 51 national associations of local and regional governments from all regions of Africa, as well as 2,000 cities and territories with more than 100,000 inhabitants. UCLG Africa represents more than 350 million African citizens. A founding member of the global organization UCLG, UCLG Africa is the regional chapter of UCLG for Africa. The headquarters of UCLG Africa are based in Rabat, capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, where the umbrella organization of local and regional organizations of Africa enjoys diplomatic status as an International Pan-African Organization. UCLG Africa also has five regional offices in Cairo, Egypt, for North Africa; in Accra, Ghana, for West Africa; in Libreville, Gabon, for Central Africa; in Nairobi, Kenya, for East Africa; and in Pretoria, South Africa, for Southern Africa.

About the UCLG Africa Climate Task Force

The UCLG Africa Climate Task Force is a coordination and collaboration mechanism bringing together experts and key actors in the field of climate in Africa. Its main goal is to strengthen climate action and promote sustainable policies within African local and regional governments. The Task Force is made up of representatives from UCLG Africa, partner organizations, climate experts, and local governments, thus fostering multidisciplinary collaboration. The UCLG Africa Climate Task Force operates in several areas related to climate change, such as adaptation, mitigation, climate resilience, clean energy, waste management, and biodiversity preservation. Its goals include strengthening local capacities, integrating climate action into regional policies, and facilitating access to climate finance. The Task Force organizes on a regular basis meetings, workshops, and trainings, thus facilitating the exchange of knowledge and the sharing of experiences. The Task Force also plays a key role in the implementation of climate projects and initiatives, thus contributing to building the resilience of local governments and promoting sustainable development in Africa.

Program of UCLG Africa's participation in MEDCOP 2023

Here is the program of key events in which UCLG Africa will actively participate:

21st of June: Meeting of the Climate Task Force at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara,

June 22: Official opening of the MedCop and signing of agreements at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara, Kasbah room

June 22: Session on the Blue Economy at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara, Chefchaouen room

June 23: Session on “Empowering Women to Overcome Climate-Enhanced Threats and Vulnerabilities ” at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara, Medina room

June 23: Round table on "Access to financial resources to support local climate initiatives at the local government level" at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara,

June 23: Migration : Impact and Opportunitiesat Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara, Medina room

June 23: Press briefing (the exact time will be confirmed the day before, depending on logistics). at Hotel Hilton Tanger Al Houara.

Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor


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