
Showing posts from February, 2023

Visite du Président Français Emmanuel Macron au Gabon, en Angola, au Congo-Brazzaville et en République Démocratique du Congo du 1er au 5 mars 2023

Président de la République Française Emmanuel Macron Du 1er au 5 mars 2023, le Président de la République Française Emmanuel Macron sera en déplacement en Afrique centrale avec  des étapes au Gabon, en Angola, au Congo-Brazzaville et en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Ce 18 ème déplacement du chef de l’Etat Français en Afrique sera une nouvelle opportunité d’appréhender le  continent dans sa complexité et de saisir encore davantage les transformations profondes qui s’y  jouent. Non seulement en termes de défis climatiques, économiques, sanitaires ou sécuritaires ;  mais aussi et surtout, en termes d’opportunités économiques puisque le continent deviendra le  marché le plus dynamique au monde, moteur de la croissance mondiale.  Il poursuivra l’approche qui a été la sienne depuis 2017, à savoir, adopter une posture d’écoute et d’humilité, pour co-construire avec les pays africains de véritables partenariats. Accompagné dans  son déplacement par u...

« 90 minutes avec la Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej » Outil de renforcement du plaidoyer avec les médias africains et les anciens de la Fondation Merck

La Fondation Merck, la branche philanthropique de Merck KGaA Allemagne, a mené avec succès a deuxième édition de son outil de reportage et d'engagement pour ses programmes « 90 minutes avec la Sénatrice, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO de la Fondation Merck » 2023 dans le but pour mettre à jour et discuter de eurs programmes et de leur impact et bâtir un plaidoyer pour briser la stigmatisation de l'infertilité, soutenir l'éducation des files et transformer les soins aux patients. La session a présenté l'engagement du Dr. Rasha Kelej avec les membres des médias, les anciens de la Fondation Merck, les lauréats des prix de la Fondation Merck, les abonnés des réseaux sociaux et d'autres parties prenantes le 17 février 2023, par le biais d'une vidéoconférence pour aborder plusieurs problèmes de santé et sociaux critiques, en plus de partager sa longue expérience, défis, solutions et histoires de réussite avec le public dans les réseaux sociaux. Lien vers Facebook en direct de 9...

Envoys of five nations present credentials to the President of India

H.E. Ms Victoria Samuel Aru, Ambassador of the Republic of South Sudan presented the credentials. The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu accepted credentials from the Ambassadors of South Sudan, Oman, Peru and Cambodia and High Commissioner of Seychelles at a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Those who presented their credentials were: 1. H.E. Ms Victoria Samuel Aru, Ambassador of the Republic of South Sudan 2. H.E. Mr Issa Saleh Abdullah Saleh Al Shibani, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman 3. H.E. Mr Javier Manuel Paulinich Velarde, Ambassador of the Republic of Peru 4. H.E. Ms Lalatiana Accouche, High Commissioner of the Republic of Seychelles 5. H.E. Mr Koy Kuong, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Editor

“90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej” advocacy building tool with African Media and Merck Foundation Alumni

Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, successfuly conducted the second edition of their reporting and engagement tool for their programs ‘90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, Merck Foundation CEO’ 2023with the aim to update and discuss their programs and its impact and build advocacy to break infertility stigma, support girl education and transform patient care.  Thesession showcasedDr. Rasha Kelej engagement with Media Members, Merck Foundation Alumni, Merck Foundation Award Winners, Social Media Followers and other stakeholders on 17th February 2023, through a Videoconference to address several critical health and socia issues, inaddition to sharing her long experience, challenges, solutions and success stories with audiences in social media. Link to Facebook Livestream of 90 Minutes with Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej: As part of this important meeting, participants explored Senator, Dr. Rasha's...

African Energy Chamber (AEC) Successfully Launches Invest in African Energy Reception in Frankfurt as Third Stop on European Investment Tour

The Invest in African Energy reception in Frankfurt on Thursday successfully united German and European energy stakeholders interested in entering and advancing Africa’s emerging hydrogen, renewables and alternative energy markets. The African Energy Chamber (AEC) ( ) united German and European energy stakeholders during the Invest in African Energy reception in Frankfurt on Thursday, representing the third stop of its ongoing European investment tour aimed at showcasing the sizable investment opportunities across the African energy value chain. As Europe seeks to navigate the energy transition while attaining long-term energy security, Africa represents a strategic partner for the energy hungry-bloc, featuring prolific renewable resources – which are expected to account for over 80% of new power generation capacity in sub-Saharan Africa through 2030 – as well as the potential for low-cost, commercial hydrogen production ( ). “We a...

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on the First Review of the Extended Credit Facility and Conducts the 2023 Article IV Consultation with Tanzania

This staff-level agreement is subject to IMF management approval and IMF Executive Board consideration. The authorities’ reform program aims at strengthening the economic recovery, preserving macroeconomic stability, and supporting structural reforms toward sustainable and inclusive growth; Key policy actions of the reform program focus on strengthening fiscal space to allow for much needed social spending and high-yield public investment, advancing structural reforms to create an enabling environment for investment and job creation, and modernizing monetary policy and financial supervision to safeguard macro-financial stability and promote financial deepening; This staff-level agreement is subject to IMF management approval and IMF Executive Board consideration. A staff team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Charalambos Tsangarides held meetings in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam from February 8 to February 23, 2023, to discuss progress on reforms and the authorities’ policy ...

Mobile Film Festival Africa 2nd edition in celebration of Rabat, African Capital of Culture and with the support of UCLG Africa

The call for films is open until April 4 2023 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film Trailer to discover and to share Mobile Film Festival is proud to announce the launch of the second edition of the Mobile Film Festival Africa, following the success of its first pan-African edition in 2021. Our goal is to support, expose and mentor the upcoming talented filmmakers, through grants and technical support to help the winners shoot a professional short film. As expressed by the founder of the festival Bruno Smadja, "because African stories must be told by Africans for an African audience. Let's support the young filmmaking talents of Africa." The Mobile Film Festival Africa is very honored to have been chosen this year as one of the official events of the "Rabat, African Capital of Culture" program. Since 2005, Mobile Film Festival has promoted equal access by removing financial barriers through the use of mobile phones and free registration to the...