Two masses to say goodbye to Jacques Chirac Monday, September 30

A first mass, in the strictest family intimacy, will be concelebrated Monday at 9.30 am at the Cathedral Saint-Louis des Invalides in Paris, by Mgr Jean-Yves Riocreux, bishop of Basse-Terre and friend of the couple Chirac, Bishop Francis Bestion , Bishop of Tulle, and Bishop Antoine de Romanet, Bishop of the Diocese of the Armies. At noon, it is a solemn mass, presided by the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr Michel Aupetit, in the presence of President Emmanuel Macron and many foreign heads of state, which will be celebrated at the Saint-Sulpice church. Monday, September 30, two masses will be celebrated successively for the rest of the soul of Jacques Chirac. At 9:30, it is in the family intimacy, in the cathedral Saint-Louis des Invalides, that a first mass for the former President of the Republic will be celebrated. It will be presided over by Mgr. Jean-Yves Riocreux, bishop of Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe), a friend of the Chirac couple "since 1971", this one says. It is ...